Two girls are giving their backs to the camera

2022: RēDEM came to life

RēDEM was born thanks to the ability of four young entrepreneurs to see an opportunity inside of a problem: high volumes of leather every year are leftover worldwide, with the risk of remaining unused and ending up in a landfill.

We decided to take this leather to transform it into products people love and started working with it in order to understand what would be the best way to give it a new life and decided to start by creating leather bags, the highest representation of fashion in a product.

At this point we found an artisan who was willing to work with us, who has helped us to transform our idea into reality. This was challenging given the difficulty of handling our type of leather, made up of irregular pieces, which require changes in production processes in order to be worked with.

A girl with a hair braid is wearing a Franklin model

2023: RēDEM started moving its first steps

RēDEM started exposing itself to the wider world and found people and partners to work with, which have allowed us to move both in space and time to be where we are today. Each partnership and collaboration was selected with great care, ensuring alignment with our values of sustainability and craftsmanship.

Our efforts were met with enthusiasm and support, allowing us to expand our presence in four key Italian regions. We also reached people in over ten European countries through our online presence.
Our expansion represented a growing community of conscious consumers and like-minded entities rallying around the concept of sustainable fashion.

Herrera Coal handbag in a mystical light blue and white environment

2024: RēDEM understood who it wants to be

This year RēDEM decided to take a step back, to review the path walked so far and ask itself who it wanted to become. We came to the conclusion that we want to be one of the most compelling sustainable fashion brands of the 21st century.

We plan on doing so by elevating our people and our environment to be the best version of themselves. We do know that this will require a lot of hard work, time and energy, but we also know that it will be worth it.

It will be important for us to expand our offering and move into international markets. We have in fact launched Equilibrio, our new collection, and are present in physical stores in Italy, France, Switzerland and in the Netherlands.

We want to send a clear message to everyone that knows us and will come to know us: we all have a hidden treasure inside of us that makes us unique, and that is what we need to nurture in order to become who we already know we want to be.